Read these pages and feel the marrow in your bones with bold courage!
— Ann Voskamp, New York Times bestselling author of The Broken Way



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Cathie Ostapchuk is a speaker, author, leadership development consultant and coach.Cathie’s collaborations with global non-profits have taken her across Canada, Africa and Australia. Cathie is co-found-er and lead catalyst of Gather Women ( She co-hosts the “HerInfluence Podcast”, calling women to rise in purpose and in-fluence everywhere. Cathie is committed to raising the profile and presence of Canadian Christian women, by gathering, equipping and mobilizing them to be a catalytic influence in our churches and culture. Connect with her at


Women everywhere are looking for purpose and significance in a world that exudes pressure to conform at every turn. In Brave Women, Bold Moves, Cathie Ostapchuk explores the question, “Where did bravery ever get you?” by digging deep into the stories of brave women living in Biblical times along with stunning snippets from women in today’s culture and her own real life experiences. This is a rallying cry to all women, in any season, to choose courage over conformity.


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Choose courage over conformity



What they Say

If you want to lead from a place of courage in a world that pressures to conform, this is for you.
— Carey Nieuwhof

Best Selling Author Founding Pastor,
Connexus Church 

This book should encourage every woman to choose to walk each day in the purpose God has intended for them.
— Dr. Pamela MacRae

Professor of Applied Theology and Church Ministry Department Program Head of Ministry to Women and Ministry to Victims of Sexual Exploitation Moody Bible Institute Chicago, IL

Brave Women, Bold Moves offers fresh, deep and relevant insights into the lives of women from the Bible, infused with rugged authenticity and fearless honesty.
— Danielle Strickland

Author of The Liberating Truth, Founder, Boundless Communications Inc., Brave Global, Amplify Peace, InfinitumLife, and
Women Speakers Collective 

The crafting of the challenging story with her own story with vulnerability, the vulnerability of significant women she invited to share theirs, the depth of biblical research and reporting on the lives of women of biblical history has produced a goldmine of value for women of all ages and seasons.
— Paul Magnus, Ph.D.

President Emeritus, Distinguished Chair and Professor of Leadership/Management, Briercrest Seminary Caronport, Saskatchewan.